You've heard it said that people travel on their stomachs. So have you ever wondered what the world thinks of "Canadian Cuisine". After a few days in Shanghai I had took an opportunity to try City Bull a chain of 4 or 5 Proud Canadian Steakhouses. I have learned to set the bar low when choosing a restaurant, the best meals are always served in the least likely places. First it was in a mall which is not uncommon in Asia. Entire floors of malls are devoted to sit down restaurants and it was done in a Western Motif. River stone walls and dark wooden accents. I'm pretty sure the guy who decorated the Prescott Hotel picked out the seating package so needless to say it felt like home. As I sat down and ordered the feature beer - Tiger or Stella - I lowered my bar one more notch. The gentle strains of "The Girl from Ipanema" wafted through the speakers and I knew this was not going to be an authentic experience.
Not to be disappointed the menu read like the travel guide of the couple at the table next to me.
100% Australian beef.
Fresh never frozen Norwegian Salmon.
"Try the special ?" said my bubbly non Canadian server ?
"what's that ? "
"Cuban burger !" she beamed.
I took the menu and scanned for those tastes of home I'd suddenly begun craving.
Montreal smoked meat ? - no
Digby Scallops ? - where ?
Pancakes and maple syrup ? Maybe come Canadian bacon ? - ummm there's ham on the Cuban burger !
I went with the traditional businessman's lunch - a good old Australian Steak Sandwich and wondered what has Canada really contributed to the worlds table?
Yes they had Poutine but really that's everywhere here now. And the steak sandwich was nothing like the "specials" back home but they do raise good cattle in Australia. And I didn't need chopsticks or an interpreter.
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