Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's not the heat ......

We all know the saying, and i have to agree, it's the humidity. When your plane touches down in Singapore, and the windows of the plane fog up, you know it's humid. So humid in fact, it seems to rain every day - I've even given up checking the weather widget on the phone - it never changes.

And of course the weather widget doesn't show the humidity. But it's a small price to pay for the chance to live in paradise. Me and 5.4 million people in a land mass about the size of Calgary. Imagine an island you can drive across in 45 minutes... the long way, It's only 20 minutes north to south. And what does 5.4 million people look like? Well if you're walking a city street it looks a little like this.

But who am I to complain about the weather, they've been doing it for 1000's of years and I suppose I'll get used to it some day. I'm already used to 3 shirts and as many showers a day. Of course 4 air conditioners in the apartment helps too. As does being on the 25th floor, a little breeze goes a long way. 

Fortunately they have also air-conditioned the MRT (subway), the taxi's and the malls. Sometimes its one extreme to the other actually, too cool inside and too hot outside. What's a fellow to do but sit down with a $ 16 bottle of beer and chill. More on that later. 

Glad some of you enjoyed the updates, I'll post them randomly so either follow the blog or add your email on the right side and you'll get automatic updates. If you feel like sending me a question, I'm working on an FAQ list, seems many people have the same curiosiites.

Alright - I'm off to spend Sunday morning at the "wet market". Now I know some of you have questions.


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