Friday, April 20, 2012

Professionally speaking....

Please indulge me and allow me a "professional" rant if you will. This may take awhile.

Some of you know I have spent time on both sides of the wood at various bars and restaurants. I'm not counting the time under said bars btw.

I like to think that I know a little bit about the business. And while my current employer does not purvey intoxicating beverages and controlled substances at this moment I still like to keep sharp. I call it research, you can call it whatever you want as long as it's tax deductible.

Now let me back track a bit, to the day I toured the building my new home is in. You know the place, you read about it here on this blog. It has a number of restaurants and eateries all within walking distance.

It also has a bit of a "mall" on the first 3 floors and I have been keenly aware of the upcoming opening of "Ricks".

Now I'm not saying that Ricks is the reason I signed the lease but it just had that look of a happy place and we all need a happy place - right? I have fond memories of other Ricks, so I suppose that had a little something to do with it but I digress. The trouble is Ricks has not been open since I toured the place. Yes it's new but it wasn't under construction. It's been constructed since mid March. Done. Furnished. Finished. Beautiful. Just closed. Every now and then I'd wander down and tug on the door handle and it would be locked. And believe me I wasn't looking for brunch. It's not a brunch kind of place. So I wasn't early. One day there was a guy outside and I said "dude, whats up - lah? When you open - lah? " (that's how we talk in Singaporean - its like eh only different)

"Oh man, we wait for the stuff to come in - lah. Soon lah "

So, I resume my patient practice of tugging the door handle and looking through the tinted windows.

Well today is the day - lah!

As I came home from downtown, shirt stuck to my skin from the 33.C temperature (sorry Bev) there were lights on. And candles on the tables. And it was 4 o'clock. Who puts out candles at 4 o'clock. So I opened the door, the meat locker grade air conditioning welcoming me like an ex-girlfriends embrace. "dude - you open lah?" "yeah man - whatchu have?" (he's not Singaporean so no lah).

Heaven. A bar that I can take an elevator home from. You can not get in trouble drinking and elevating.

So I raced upstairs, peeled off the fetid "business casual" sweat suit and headed back down stairs. After all it's Friday and I only have 2 conference calls tonight (9 and 10 am Ontario time thank you Sir Sanford Fleming, Mr. Time Zone)

Back in the meat locker, belly up to the corner bar stool and order.

Moosehead ?
"Nope "
What's on tap?
"Ummm we only have half pints. The pint glasses aren't in yet. "
"Budweiser! "
Pass - Stella ?
"We have Stella "
Done. Menu?
"Ummm yea we only have bar snacks. "
Ok - bar snack menu ?
"Ummm I can tell you what we have. The menu is still at the printers. "
Fine - what have you got?

"Chicken wings
Tater tots
Cheese sticks
Calamari "

.... So basically you just have a deep fryer in the back?
"Yea we are waiting on the rest. "

Alright - in for a penny (or a nickel now I guess right Canada? ) in for a pound.
Bring me the sausage and the cheese sticks, my good man!

Now - I want to like this place. Remember I can get there on the elevator ! I want this to be my 4th place. Maybe my 3rd because $5bucks is a little pricy and I do have wifi at home now.

But I gotta say I am struggling with "sausage". Its a hot dog. Ok 2 hot dogs - deepfried and sliced diagonally - ooo! Diagonally ! Martha Stewart would be pleased but it's still a hot dog.

So the night progresses, I order a second half pint, or 2, and the next thing I know - the band is here. Ok, a guy with a guitar. Named Peter. The guy, not the guitar, I have no idea what his guitar is named. Now Peter is not a typical rock star.  He's "old" according to the bartender - like 50 ! (that's not old btw) and it's an acoustic guitar, with nylon strings, so it's old school - classical guitar. My expectations are at an all time low.

And then, he plays. Cat Stevens, Eric Clapton, Harry Chapin...and he can sing - brilliantly. I am shocked. Mesmerized. and a little gassy from the hot dogs.

So now, I am in my new favourite bar, with my new favourite local musician, and I have to go back to work. (Stupid time change). So I wave over the new favourite bartender and settle up the bill.
"Are you a guest in the hotel?"
No, I'm not
"oh, ok"
Hey, do I get a discount if I am?
"yes, guests of the hotel get a discount"

And THAT's when the idea for this post came from - WHY would you give a discount to people in a hotel - they come, they go - they are transients. I live in the building - I ride the elevator to this place - I should get the discount - not the transients. Lah!

So I explain the situation to the bartender and the 2 other people in the place (Peter is still playing so he can't hear me - yet).
"But the boss thinks it's a good opportunity"
I get that - did you advertise in the hotel?
do you tell people when they check in?
so how do guests of the hotel know they get a discount ?
"well we tell them when they pay" -
LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT - a man walks into a bar, orders a drink, a deep fried hot dog, and when you give him the bill you say - by the way, here is 10% off ?
and then he says thanks and flies back to where ever he's from and tells his friend - Where as I live in the building, I could come here every day and could tell my friends who live here and I don't get a deal?
"No - you're not a guest of the hotel"

But I like the place, I really do.


  1. DA! LOL. Keep them coming, I love your blog!

  2. I see a "Twilight Zone" episode...ya'll (That's Texan for "eh")

  3. Hey Dave! There are many people of the Canadian persuasion who are wanting to leave you comments, but you don't have the option enabled! Allow anonymous comments!! ;) Plus, if you get spam comments, it means you've hit the big time.

    Also, captcha is too difficult for Derek to navigate. Can you disable that while you're at it?! xoxo

    1. Ok Amy - comments are wide open, let's hope the spammers don't discover my little corner of the web.

  4. Woo-hoo! We are enjoying the blog and will try to keep Bev in line!
