5. It's a country and a city - Singapore, Singapore
4. The popultaion is a mix of 74% Chinese, 13% Malay, 9% Indian, 3% Others
3. English is the primary language.
2. It has the 3rd Highest Gross Domestic Product of any country in the world
1. I live there.
Ok, I am moving there but by April number 1 will be true. I have accepted a transfer to look after the Asia Operations for DQ, and Singapore is the jumping off point. Wheels are in motion, and the house is on the market. You may remember my earlier posts of travels to Thailand, and I guess this is a bit of a spin off.
I will try and post some pics so you can have a sense of what I'll see and where I'll be living. My first trip is February, and then if all goes well, I'll be settled in by April.
Feel free to visit, this is your invitation.
I will live vicariously through you Dave! Have a wonderful experience in Singapore. Elaine